Attendance Policy

Attendance Law

All students between the ages of 6 and 18 must attend full-time school on a daily basis. Parents or guardians are responsible for sending their children to school everyday (Education Code 48200). A student who is absent three full days without a valid excuse, or on three occasions is tardy or absent for more than thirty minutes, or any combination thereof, is TRUANT. (Education Code 48260) Students are expected to arrive at school on time and ready to work. First bell rings at 7:50 a.m. Class instruction begins at 8:00 a.m.

Clearing Absences

Upon student’s return from an absence, it is his/her responsibility to check for homework, tests and coursework assignment so that he/she will not fall behind academically.

All absences must be cleared upon student’s return from an absence. Un cleared absences will be marked as TRUANT three days after the last absence.

Every effort should be made to schedule student’s medical and dental appointments so that they do not interfere with the instructional program. For those FEW times that it is unavoidable for the students to be absent from school, a student may be excused with a written note from a parent due to illness, quarantine, court appearance, religious observance or attendance at a funeral of an immediate family member. Student must bring the note to the Attendance Office before 8:00 a.m. indicating the date(s) and the reason for the absences in order to be admitted back to class and be able to turn in any missed assignments or make-up tests.

Students who are out of school due to illness for 5 or more days must return with a Doctor’s note and see the school nurse before entering classroom.

Truancy Policy

Students who are absent for non-illness 5 times in a school year may be referred to Pupil Services and Attendance (PSA) Counselor. A conference with the student and the parent will be scheduled to discuss the reason for absences. Every effort will be made to assist the student overcome challenges that stop him/her from attending school regularly. If determined that the student’s absences are without a valid reason, “Truancy” will be marked on student’s attendance record and necessary legal steps will be taken pursuant to Education Code 48263 to prosecute parents and student.

Education Code 48260.5 - "Upon a pupil’s initial classification as a truant, the school district shall notify the pupil’s parent or guardian, by first-class mail or other reasonable means, of the following:
a) That the pupil is truant.

b) That the parent or guardian is obligated to compel the attendance of the
pupil at school.

c) That the parents or guardians who fail to meet obligation may be guilty of an
infraction and subject to prosecution.

d) That alternative educational programs are available in the district.

e) That the parent or guardian has the right to meet with appropriate school
personnel to discuss solutions to the pupil’s truancy.

f) That the pupil may be subject to prosecution under Section 48264.

g) That the pupil may be subject to suspension, restriction, or delay of the
pupil’s driving privilege pursuant to Section 13202.7 of the Vehicle Code.

Students found roaming ON CAMPUS, outside their assigned classroom without GHS Hall Pass are considered TRUANT and will be referred to School Police. Students will receive a detention, and may be issued a TRUANCY TICKET thereafter.

Students found OFF CAMPUS during school hours, without school permission or parent supervision, may be cited for TRUANCY by local Police. Truancy can lead to severe consequences, including fines and criminal prosecution.

Parents are notified of students’ attendance by phone messages, mailings, and quarterly progress reports. Students are expected to be in attendance 100% of school year. Nine or more absences are considered excessive.

Any other absence due to personal reasons requires prior written request and written approval from the principal or authorized school official.

Early Leaves

If a student must leave school before the normal conclusion of the school day, the student must bring a note from the parent or guardian to the Attendance Office before 8:00 AM on the day of the early leave. Notes must include student’s name, date of birth, reason for early leave request and a phone number so that the request can be verified.

Student WILL NOT be released unless the request is verified. Students who become ill at school or must leave for personal reasons MUST check out through the Admissions and/or the Health Office. Any student who leaves campus without checking out through these offices will be considered as TRUANT.

Students will only be released to adults whose names are on the student’s up to date Emergency Card. California law requires that a parent or legal guardian provide student emergency information to the school every year (Education Code 49408). No student and/or information regarding a student will be released except to those persons listed on official school records (Board Rule 1205).

Tardy Policy

Tardy lockouts are conducted every day, every period, whether it is announced on the P.A. system or not. Students arriving to school after 8:30 a.m. will automatically be assigned a detention. The designated lockout area is the covered eating area. Tardies will be documented on a cumulative basis and will start over every 20 weeks. Students that are late to school/class 3 or more times will be assigned after-school detention. Failure to serve detentions may result in suspension, restricted participation in school activities, and graduation stop clearance. A parent conference will be held when a student is identified as chronically tardy.

Change of Student Information

Within thirty (30) days of the change, the parent/guardian or student notifies the Admissions Office of any changes of information including address, telephone number or guardianship information.

A change of information form must be completed by a parent/guardian. Students who fail to inform the school of a change of address may not be eligible to remain at Grant High School. Continuing Enrollment Permit is available to those students who meet attendance, citizenship and academic standards.