Dress Code

Student attire is primarily a matter of personal preference and family guidelines. However, students' dress may not be disruptive, unsafe, and obscene or promote alcohol, drug or gang involvement. Dress that is disruptive to the educational process is not permitted. Students whose style of dress is inappropriate for school will be subject to consequences.

The following list is to serve as a guide, and is not intended to be all-inclusive.
The following is NOT PERMITTED:
  1. Clothing with alcohol, tobacco or drug promotions, sexual references, vulgar, sexist or, racist sayings, or gang insignia on shirts or belts.
  2. Bandanas, scarves or hairnets.
  3. Accessories which could be considered weapons, such as spiked wrist wear or ankle bands, spiked rings or lengthy chains of any size including chains that are attached to wallets.
  4. Hats may not be worn on campus with the following exceptions:
    • Hats that are sold or otherwise furnished by the school or by a school approved organization may be worn on the campus during nutrition, lunch, before or after school.
    • Hats must be removed when entering a classroom or office.
In order to maintain an appropriate educational atmosphere and insure safety and security for students, the following inappropriate headgear is prohibited and will be confiscated: baseball caps, hair nets, do-rag, ski hats, beanies, headbands and other types of hats. All confiscated items are turned in to the Dean’s Office, and can be picked up every LAST DAY OF THE SEMESTER.

The School Based Management Council and administration reserves the right, if necessary, to add other items to this list, especially any and all items which may become associated with gang membership and/or effect the safety/security of the campus.

Students whose clothing is in violation of the Dress Code will be sent to Counselor or Dean where their parent or guardian will be contacted and requested to bring suitable clothing. Students may be detained in the office if they are in violation of the Dress Code. Students who continually violate this code may be subject to disciplinary procedures for defiance.
Violations of the Dress Code

All school personnel have the right to confiscate articles that are forbidden on campus under the above code. Confiscated items will be sent to the Deans Office where they may be released to the parent/guardian. Students who refuse to surrender an article such as a hat or beeper will be subject to disciplinary procedures for defiance.